Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript
Solidify your understanding of JavaScript and prepare for technical interviews
Enroll in CourseBecome a Better JavaScript Developer
Heard about object-oriented programming, but not sure what it is?
Simply put, object-oriented programming (OOP) is a popular style of programming.
It comes up often in technical interviews, and it's an essential skill for every developer.
If you're looking for a course that teaches you OOP from the ground up without any jargons or fluff, this course is for you.
A perfect mix of theory and practice, packed with real-world examples, exercises and step-by-step solutions.
- Intermediate
- Lifetime Access
- 60 Lessons
- 4 Hours of Video
- Exercises and Solutions
- Downloadable
- Subtitles
- Access on Mobile/TV
- Certificate
By the end of this course, you'll be able to…
- Solidify your understanding of JavaScript
- Use complex JavaScript features with confidence
- Manage and reduce complexity in your code
- Build re-usable blocks of code
- Prepare for JavaScript interviews
- Write clean code
What You'l Learn...
- Object-oriented programming principles
- How to implement OOP concepts in JavaScript
- All about objects, their properties, property descriptors, getters and setters
- Factory and constructor functions
- How "this" works in JavaScript
- Prototypes and prototypical inheritance: one of the confusing parts of JavaScript
- ES6+ features used in object-oriented programming
- And much, much more!
Bite-sized, memorable and easy-to-digest videos with zero fluff
Who is this course for?
- Anyone who wants to take their JavaScript skills to the next level
- Anyone who wants to learn and understand object-oriented programming principles
- Anyone who wants to learn the techniques to apply object-oriented concepts in JavaScript
- Anyone preparing for JavaScript coding interviews
To take this course, you should have a good understanding of JavaScript fundamentals. At least, you need to know all the topics I've covered in my JavaScript Basics course. You don't need any familiarity with object-oriented programming.
Join 105334 happy students!
"Hi Mosh, I'm really loving your OOP course. I’m finally understanding prototypical inheritance and async programming! I'm 8 months into learning how to become a developer, and making very good progress. My previous instruction before your courses on those subjects wasn't thorough enough to be especially useful. You really hammer home details about constructor functions and the use of the .prototype property. "
- Brian Haller
"After completing this course in Object Oriented programming with JavaScript, I feel much better prepared for jobs which have me use JavaScript in an MVC pattern. Mosh was able to clearly explain the code that he writes so that beginners could understand it. I am able to write cleaner, more eloquent code thanks to his lectures and have enjoyed spending time with this course. I am glad to call Mosh a teacher."
- Mathew Hemmingway
"Mosh does a great job of covering the many variants of OOP in JS. He is thorough while being accessible and I really enjoyed his careful review of each concept as we went along."
- Shawn Larkin
Your Instructor
Hi! My name is Mosh Hamedani. I'm a software engineer with two decades of experience. I've taught millions of people how to code and how to become professional software engineers through my online courses and YouTube channel.
I believe coding should be fun and accessible to everyone.
Course Curriculum
Start1- Introduction (0:44)
Start2- Object Literals (3:03)
Start3- Factories (2:51)
Start4- Constructors (5:36)
Start5- Constructor Property (2:24)
Start6- Functions are Objects (4:47)
Start7- Value vs Reference Types (5:49)
Start8- Adding or Removing Properties (3:53)
Start9- Enumerating Properties (2:50)
Start10- Abstraction (4:02)
Start11- Private Properties and Methods (4:05)
Start12- Getters and Setters (5:36)
Start13- Cheat Sheet
Start14- Exercise- Stopwatch (2:08)
Start15- Solution- Stopwatch (2:31)
Start1- Inheritance (2:26)
Start2- Prototypes and Prototypical Inheritance (5:33)
Start3- Multilevel Inheritance (2:51)
Start4- Property Descriptors (5:07)
Start5- Constructor Prototypes (3:52)
Start6- Prototype vs Instance Members (6:04)
Start7- Iterating Instance and Prototype Members (2:39)
Start8- Avoid Extending the Built-in Objects (1:41)
Start9- Cheat Sheet
Start10- Exercise (1:33)
Start11- Solution (5:38)
Frequently Asked Questions
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Take your JavaScript skills to the next level
Here's what you get when you enroll.
- 4 hours of HD videos
- 60 lessons
- Exercises and solutions
- Little-known expert tips
- Best practices to apply
- Common mistakes to avoid
- Lifetime access
- Downloadable source code
- Learn at your own pace
- Watch online or offline
- Watch on any device
- Certificate of completion
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