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Ultimate C++ Part 1: Fundamentals
Welcome (57s)
1- Welcome (0:57)
2- Course Structure (1:33)
3- Getting Help
4- Follow Me Around
Getting Started with C++ (17m)
1- Introduction to C++ (3:18)
2- Popular IDEs (1:56)
3- Your First C++ Program (7:24)
4- Compiling and Running a C++ Program (2:24)
5- Changing the Theme (1:14)
6- Summary
The Basics (40m)
1- Introduction (0:32)
2- Variables (6:07)
3- Constants (1:28)
4- Naming Conventions (2:56)
5- Mathematical Expressions (5:34)
6- Order of Operators (3:09)
7- Writing Output to the Console (9:16)
8- Reading from the Console (4:34)
9- Working with the Standard Library (4:38)
10- Comments (2:31)
11- Summary
Fundamental Data Types (54m)
1- Introduction (0:49)
2- Fundamental Data Types (3:04)
3- Initializing Variables (4:43)
4- Working with Numbers (3:33)
5- Narrowing (2:13)
6- Generating Random Numbers (7:16)
7- Formatting Output (8:31)
8- Data Types Size and Limits (3:40)
9- Working with Booleans (1:56)
10- Working with Characters and Strings (6:50)
11- Working with Arrays (6:13)
12- Type Conversion (5:14)
13- Summary
Decision Making (39m)
1- Introduction (0:40)
2- Comparison Operators (3:56)
3- Logical Operators (4:09)
4- Order of Logical Operators (6:40)
5- If Statements (6:20)
6- Nested If Statements (4:53)
7- The Conditional Operator (4:28)
8- The Switch Statement (7:35)
9- Summary
Loops (35m)
1- Introduction (0:44)
2- The for Loop (9:01)
3- Range-based for Loops (6:33)
4- While Loops (5:35)
5- Do-while Loops (2:41)
6- Break and Continue Statements (4:27)
7- Nested Loops (5:43)
8- Summary
Functions (45m)
1- Introduction (0:35)
2- Defining and Calling Functions (8:55)
3- Parameters with a Default Value (2:41)
4- Overloading Functions (2:50)
5- Passing Arguments by Value or Reference (6:17)
6- Local vs Global Variables (3:06)
7- Declaring Functions (1:45)
8- Organizing Functions in Files (8:34)
9- Using Namespaces (4:30)
10- Debugging C++ Programs (5:07)
11- Summary
12- Course Summary
13- Course Wrap Up (0:35)
14- Feedback
2- Course Structure
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